Friday, February 4, 2011

A Difference of Opinion is a Good Thing!!!

I am 21 years old, I am from California, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the Mormon Church as most of the world knows it, and I am a Democrat.

Now I know that some people that read this will think, will what's the point with me mentioning that I am a Democrat? Well, I attend one of the Universities that is owned by the church that I belong to. I have been a member of the LDS Church for almost 3 years now, and I have been attending BYU Idaho for 2 1/2 years. Well most of the people I know who are LDS, are Republicans. For me it is sometimes hard to be around so many people who are often times very, very conservative.

I am a moderate Democrat, and some of my own political beliefs fall on the Republican side, but I am also fall the other way, as well. Sometimes I get a lot of crap for being a democrat and being a member of the LDS Church. Other members often ask me, how I can be a democrat and still be a member...oh trust me it is possible.

Being at BYU Idaho is very different, than being back home in California. California is a very liberal state, so when I am in my hometown, people are not as shock or horrified that I am a Democrat. But being here in Idaho it is sometimes the opposite. I really love being a member of the LDS Church and attending BYU Idaho, it is my second home.

I just wish that some people were not so close minded about politics and about having more than one view on issues. And many of the people that question me, often also are very against President Obama. I think that, that is sad...because you can not like President Obama, but I think that it is still important to understand that he is trying to help our country get out of the mess it is in, and that he does deserve some respect and support.

Now, this only happens sometimes, most people are very accepting and welcome my different political views, which I greatly appreciate. I am grateful that the majority of people I have talked to see that the other side of the political scale is not really bad.

I love the church I belong to, I love the great university that I attend, and I am grateful that I am able to know enough to have my own thoughts and political views about important issues.

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