Friday, April 15, 2011

Everything Must Come to an End

So, the Spring Semester begins here at BYU-Idaho on Tuesday. Normally, it would mean that my life would be filled with homework, tests, church duties, and work, but this semester is a bit different.

This semester will be my last at BYU-Idaho. That's right, I will be a college graduate in about 3 1/2 months. It's crazy to think that I am going to be finished. It seems like just yesterday, my parents were dropping me off for my first semester at BYU-Idaho.

BYU-Idaho has been my home on and off for the last 2 1/2 years. I have learned a lot both inside and outside of the classroom. I have made friends, lost a few, had some great roommates, had some horrible ones, and had a wide variety of good, bad, exciting, and sad experiences while I have been here.

In many ways, being a student at BYU-Idaho has helped me to discover myself. It has helped me to know who I really am, what I stand for, and what I want for my future.  I also have been able to strengthen my Testimony of the Gospel, so, so much more while I have been here.

BYU-Idaho has helped me appreciate being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so much more. I am a convert to the church and being able to attend devotionals, church, the Rexburg, Idaho Temple, and religion classes has really helped me to better understand many aspects of the Gospel. As well, those things have helped me to gain a better love and understanding for the Scriptures, as well as teachings from the prophet and other general authorities.

About two semesters ago, I got called to be a Relief Society President in the Ward that I attend on-campus, which means I was over a number of the sisters in my ward. This calling has been both a blessing and a challenge for me. Sometimes it is hard, because I am quite a bit older than the majority of the girls that are usually in my Relief Society, so sometimes it can be hard to show them that I understand them and that I here to help them. On the other hand, being a Relief Society President has truly been a blessing. I have learned a lot about myself, about the church and the gospel, and about how to work with and lead other people. I have been blessed to get to know many wonderful people through my calling. I love this calling because it has taught me a lot about patience, charity, loving others, leadership, friendship, and many other things.

Anyways, there are many, many things that I love about BYU-Idaho! I gotta say its going to be hard for me to leave this place.

My last semester here at BYU-Idaho will be an interesting and busy one, but I sure hope it will be fun too. I am blessed to have 3 wonderful roommates/friends this semester and I looking forward to spending it with them and making some great memories with them. I'm looking forward to once again serving as a Relief Society President in my Ward again. I'm looking forward to the wonderful classes the I will be taking. I am also looking forward to being the President of BYU-Idaho's PRSSA Chapter and getting it more established.

BYU-Idaho will forever be my home. This place will always have a special place in my heart. I truly plan to make the most and the best out of my last semester here. And then..............well who knows................... 


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