So for the past 2 1/2 years, I have been attending Brigham Young University-Idaho. BYU-Idaho is one of the 3 church schools that operates through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or as much of the world knows us “Mormons.”
I am going to be graduating from BYU-Idaho in a few months, and I must say that I am truly going to miss this beautiful campus and all the wonderful people I have met here. Its hard to think that I will be leaving soon, but another part of me knows that I have spent all the time that I need to here, and that its time for me to move on.
I have learned so much since I first starting attending here. I have learned lots of things from the classes I have taken, as well as from the teachers that I had for each of those classes. But I have also learned many, many things outside of the classroom. I have learned things about people, the gospel, and life in general. From attending BYU-Idaho for so long, I have actually created a list of things that I have learned “Outside the Classroom,” that relate to being a student here at BYU-I:
  1. Get along with your roommates. Even if you don’t like them, find a way to, because you will be living with them for the whole semester.
  2. GET INVOLVED!!! There is so much to do, to see, and to simply enjoy.
  3. Attend the Temple! It is here for us, and you can much go any time you want…What a Great Blessing! :)
  4. Follow the Honor and Dress Code! I think that this is pretty self-explanatory, but I have seen so many people break the Honor and the Dress Code here at BYU-Idaho. Those of us who choose to attend school here, can by no means say that we didn’t know the rules before we got here, because we all had to sign a copy of the Codes. The Honor and Dress Codes here at BYU-I, are meant to help us stay on the right path. They are meant to help us strive to keep the goal of being able to go to the Temple someday(to be married). Plus, the codes are not the university’s rules, not President Clark’s rules, or the Housing Office’s rules, they are Heavenly Father’s rules and we must follow them, so that we can stay on the right path.
  5. Food Storage is a Must! I know that being a college student, we are often broke-but trust me if there is a freak snow storm in Rexburg-you will be happy you have that food.
  6. Enjoy Family Home Evening! If you really commit yourself to getting to know the members in your Family Home Evening group, they can become like your 2nd family.
  7. Explore Rexburg! Do not just hide up on campus! Yes, Rexburg is quite a small town, but believe it or not there is so much to do here! When the city puts on fun events go to them, go check out the restaurants and other good hang out spots in town, or take a day to explore one of the 3 parks in Rexburg. Rexburg offers so much to the college students who live here, so take advantage of it all!
  8. College is the time to Date! Ok, I know that people call this BYU-I-DO, and that people say things like “Ring, Before Spring,” but college is a time to date! I know that it is important to get married eventually, and I plan on doing so someday, but it is not something that should be rushed. Of course I have seen situations that have worked out just fine, but I would say to Single BYU-I students, date as much as you can. You can meet so, so many people while attending school here and there so many great, not to mention cheap, and fun date ideas that are available to you here on campus and in town. Dating will help you to find out, just what you are looking for in an eternal companion, and will eventually help you to find that person. Just a note of caution: do remember the standards that you have, and stick to them!
  9. College is where you will make life-long friends! Again in the 2 years that I have been attending BYU-Idaho, I have met tons and tons of people. Some I liked, some I didn’t like, and some that I know will be my friends for life. College is the time to meet friends. This is the time where you will create life-long bonds with many of the people that you meet. Remember that when you go off and graduate, don’t loose touch with your friends. Have reunions everyone once in a while, it will help to stay connected to the great memories and the great people that you met while in college.
  10. If you want to do something, Do It!!! If there is a club you want to join, a job you want to apply for, a class you really want to take, a cute guy or gal you want to ask out, a play you want to try out for, or whatever else it is you want to do…then do it!! This is one of the best times in a young adults life. You will learn so much, grow so much, and learn so much about yourself from the things that you choose to do, participate in, or enjoy while you attend BYU-Idaho.
Brigham Young University-Idaho is an amazing place! Attending this university, has very much helped me to become the person that I am today. I have gained a stronger testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ from attending here and a stronger sense of knowledge about many secular topic from attending here. BYU-Idaho will forever have a special place in my heart, and I hope to never forget the things that I learned while attending this university.